Adrenal fatigue or the “21st century stress syndrome” occurs when the adrenal glands have become overtaxed by excess cortisol release, and they can no longer produce the levels of cortisol (and other hormones) necessary to maintain optimal health.

When this occurs and the adrenal glands can no longer keep up with the amount of stress we experience, health issues start to surface! Our bodies natural anti-inflammatory (Cortisone) is produced from cortisol and when we don’t have enough this can result in systemic inflammation, the gateway to every ache, pain, and disease!

Poor adrenal function also leads to poor nervous system health, poor immune function and hormonal depletion. These are just a few reasons why healing the adrenals is so critical! 

Enjoy these adrenal healing tips :)

12 Tips For Optimal Adrenal Health

If you want to learn how to heal your adrenals and address the root cause, I have a whole month dedicated to this topic in my Inner Circle. This is the knowledge that took me over a decade and 50K to gain, and you can get it all for $25/month.