Hi I’m Kate!
My approach to healing is based off my own humbling and life-altering journey with chronic pain and health issues. I know exactly what it feels like to barely have enough energy to wake up and fight through another day. To try EVERYTHING to heal, only to notice a continued decline and little to no improvements. I know what it’s like to spend thousands and thousands of hours researching, work with countless practitioners, and test out expensive and restrictive protocols to no avail.
“I know what it means to suffer & I know what it takes to come out on the other side.”

I get it, and I will meet you exactly where you are because my feet have stood there too.
My days used to be filled with a rotating carousel of the following symptoms:
I’m familiar with the struggle and feelings of hopelessness, brokenness, frustration, and despair.
And I also know what it's like to feel hope rise again. To dare to believe in what's possible — and watch it come true.
To break the shackles of endless suffering and health struggles.
It is my deepest desire to have my own journey propel you into healing along your own path.
After riding this rollercoaster of a health journey for over a decade and figuratively earning my PhD in chronic pain and chronic health issues, I hit my breakthrough. It was a true awakening. I made a drastic shift in my approach: when it comes to healing, who you are BEING is more important than what you are DOING.


I had myself in a mental loop — my nervous system was reacting in direct response to the messages sent from every one of my thoughts and actions. Every day I was waking up BEING someone who was suffering and trying so hard to heal. I was continually in the energy of desperation, frustration, fear, and endless effort. All of my efforts, trying, striving, and DOING was, in reality, just me continuing to spin my wheels while my white-knuckle grip on my healing efforts left me unwell and broken. DOING all the things to attempt to heal was sending my brain and nervous system a very powerful “danger signal” that I wasn’t safe as I was. I believed I couldn’t be okay or safe until I was fully healed.
Looking back, I was BEING hyper aware of anything in my environment that could threaten my health. I was BEING motivated by fear. I was living a life that kept me stuck because I was creating an energy of misery, hopelessness, and utter distress. I was searching for answers in everything except myself. My brain and nervous system were stuck on “high alert” as I was trapped in a chronic state of hyper vigilance. I was BEING unwell, and it was only when I moved out of chronic fear mode and stopped fighting and clenching my fists against my body and symptoms that I began to watch the healing unfold.
It became crystal clear not only in my own life but in the lives of thousands that I was working with that our bodies are simply a reflection of what is going on in our minds. The MIND and BODY must work as one: we cannot expect separate performances; rather, they share the same stage.
Since this realization, I’ve witnessed thousands (myself included) eat a clean, nourishing and nutrient dense diet, supplement, exercise in moderation, meditate, get good sleep, and literally do all the healthy things, etc., etc., and still not heal. It’s become crystal clear that our physical body is a direct reflection of what’s going on in our minds, brain, and nervous system. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions create who we are BEING, and this collective focus is what’s being communicated —wired and installed—into the nervous system all day long.
If you want a new outcome, you will have to break the habit of being yourself and reinvent a new self.
- Joe Dispenza

In order to start this shift, we have to leave the victim mindset behind and put on a new self. Things don't happen to us—they happen for us. When our MIND is thriving, the BODY will follow suit. No amount of top-grade supplements, organic foods, etc. can replace this work, and I'm living proof of this very fact. Who you’re BEING and how you’re FEELING is most important to experience healing. Our insides, who we’re BEING, is what the outside (physical) body is revealing.
The mind body connection is no longer a theory, but a powerful link proven by neuroscientists. We cannot separate the body from the mind when trying to heal, and there is decades of research and studies to prove it.
In order to start this shift, we have to leave the victim mindset behind and put on a new self. Things don't happen to us—they happen for us. When our MIND is thriving, the BODY will follow suit. No amount of top-grade supplements, organic foods, etc. can replace this work, and I'm living proof of this very fact. Who you’re BEING and how you’re FEELING is most important to experience healing. Our insides, who we’re BEING, is what the outside (physical) body is revealing.
The mind body connection is no longer a theory, but a powerful link proven by neuroscientists. We cannot separate the body from the mind when trying to heal, and there is decades of research and studies to prove it.
It is my greatest passion to teach you how to heal and regulate your own nervous system, which is the system that all other systems in your body report to: immune, digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine, lymphatic, reproductive, and more. A dysregulated nervous system will absolutely hinder your healing—it will be locked up because the body is essentially malfunctioning due to feeling unsafe. Once you shift from dysregulation to regulation, your body will be able to open up to a world of possibilities, a world that has been there all along, but you didn't have eyes to see because you were so crippled by fear.
While I most certainly do not have all the answers, I have found some good ones along this incredible healing journey, and it’s my life’s purpose to share them all with you!
What is Life with Kate?
Life with Kate is a place where I can share my journey and the lifesaving answers I’ve found! A place where I openly talk about my pain and struggles, what’s worked, what hasn’t, and offer you my loving guidance.
My life has led me down a path of lessons and intense learning. I’ve spent thousands and thousands of hours researching the latest health and wellness trends. As a result, I’ve had the fortune of consulting with and learning from many of the world’s leading health experts, and I can’t wait to share with you the answers and freedom I’ve found.
I realize the health and wellness space is full of misinformation, fad trends, and conflicting and confusing advice. My goal is to help bring you clarity and help you cut through the confusion and noise while offering you answers that are realistic, achievable, and easy to understand.
Just as I have learned how to do, this is a place where you can learn how to make your mess your message, your pain your purpose.
I truly hope that my life’s journey brings you healing on yours! Life is meant to be lived fully alive!
“My goal is to help bring you clarity & help you cut through the confusion & noise while offering you answers that are realistic, achievable, & easy to understand.”