The model of peak performance
and transforming health is:
STRESS (purposeful) + REST = GROWTH (results)
The body cannot repair itself when it’s in a constant state of “fight or flight.”
We must understand the “paradox of rest”: performance – or in this case, health – is only as good as our ability to recover. Look at Olympic athletes: they take recovery just as serious as they take their training.
Stress without proper rest and recovery will lead to regression. Overtraining or failing to recover is ONE of the most common causes of stress overload, which results in weight gain and poor health. When rest and recovery are not a priority, this can lead to an injured and overly stressed body, both of which make a “healthy lifestyle” and/or weight-loss nearly impossible.
Your results (or health) are only as good as your recovery. Science proves that too much exercise or stress often leads to chronically-high cortisol levels. Cortisol signals the body to store fat and leaves the body in a catabolic state (a state that is constantly breaking down).
Chronic stress is an epidemic and most of the population spends most waking hours in a sympathetic state.