Healing does not occur by changing
what we’re doing; instead, healing occurs when
we change who we are BEING.

Our psychology (mental health) has a gargantuan impact on our physiology (physical health) and vice versa.
Our mindset consists of who we are BEING: the beliefs we have about ourselves and the world around us, the emotions we experience, the feelings we feel, and the thoughts we wire and fire all either cause “ease” or “dis-ease” within the body. Put simply, who we are BEING is what impacts our health most.
Healing does not occur by changing what we’re doing; instead, healing occurs when we change who we are BEING. We can do all the “right” things – exercise, eat healthy, etc. – but if who we are BEING is feeling distressed, overwhelmed, etc., healing will be very difficult.
Mindset is perhaps the
biggest obstacle and saboteur
in one’s ability to
heal and achieve optimal health.


Everything in the universe is made up of energy. Our thoughts are made up of energy. Science shows that the universe constantly reacts to our energy, vibration, and frequency, which all make up our state of BEING. Positive emotions like joy, gratitude, love, and ease cause us to vibrate at a higher frequency, while emotions like fear, anger, and shame cause us to vibrate at a lower frequency.
The law of attraction states that the universe responds by giving you more of whatever you are vibrating, meaning the universe will match your energy. For example, if you’re feeling really defeated and down, you’re vibrating at a lower frequency and will attract an equal reality or more of the same.
You cannot create something positive and new from a place of negativity and misery.
This explains why we can’t heal a body we hate, no matter how healthy we eat or how many supplements we take. We can’t shame our way to reaching our wellness goals, nor will we find the motivation to take better care of ourselves from a negative place or by way of self-criticism.
Our mindset effects our nervous system, which controls every system in the body: the immune system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, lymphatic system, reproductive system, limbic system, etc. In short, the way we think and feel has a direct impact on every system in the body. Our cells are listening.
“If you want a new outcome, you will have to break the habit of being yourself and reinvent a new self.”
-Joe Dispenza

Science has proven the fastest way to change the body is to change the mind. If we want to create a new reality and a new life - we must examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors we’ve been living by and change them. If who we are BEING is someone who isn’t well, we won’t be well, no matter what we DO. This explains why when it comes to healing, who you are BEING is more important that what you are DOING. Who we are being is the cause of our effect, and when we change who we are BEING, our body heals and follows suit.
95% of our decisions, thoughts, beliefs & actions are subconscious, meaning the part of our mind that we are not consciously aware of dictates our behavior. So, the only way to change our behaviors is to become aware of our subconscious mind.
If we ignore our mindset and subconscious programming, we will spend our lifetimes fighting against our own “operating system.” Achieving optimal health requires us to become aware of the thoughts and beliefs driving our behaviors and similarly, to change the behaviors and programming (the mind) that lead us to the outcome.
So many people reach for a new diet, a new way of eating (keto, paleo, vegan, etc.), or a new exercise program, believing that alone will solve their problems. It won’t. Again, the only way to get a different outcome is to change the automatic and subconscious programming that CAUSED it.
When we change our MINDS we change our lives!
NEW YOU is a 30-day, integrative approach to losing weight and improving health. It addresses the ROOT CAUSE of your past failed attempts, and completely transforms your mind and body in the process.
ALIGN with Kate combines cutting-edge corrective exercises and specialized mobility and strength exercises designed to target the core, posterior chain, and bring balance and alignment back into the body.