why smoothies are my ideal breakfast
Smoothies are the bee’s knees! There’s nothing quite like starting your day with a delicious meal that contains more vitamins, minerals, and nutrients than you can count.
Smoothies make the ideal breakfast. Here’s five reasons why:
1. Smoothies are nutrient dense! The more nutrients you consume, the more energy you’ll enjoy. Our bodies use nutrients to create energy, heal, and make new cells.
2. Smoothies keep the doctor away! Food is medicine. Everything we put into our bodies either feeds or fights disease. My smoothies are FULL of disease-fighting nutrients. Prevention is always the best cure. Studies show that eating 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day is associated with a massive decrease in sickness and disease. Smoothies are the best way to pack a ton of fruits and veggies into one meal.
3. A smoothie can set the tone for a healthy day! The way we do our mornings is the way we do our days. If you start your day with a healthy, nutrient-dense, balanced meal, you’re much more likely to eat well throughout the rest of your day. And if you’re a seasoned smoothie maker, you can very easily dial in the perfect ratio of protein, carbs, and fats to balance blood sugar and control hunger and cravings through the rest of the day.
4. Smoothies are easy to digest and absorb! Fruits and vegetables are loaded with fiber. Fiber offers many health benefits such as balancing blood sugar, improving digestion and bowel health, and – most importantly – removing toxins from the body. Fiber is also very difficult to break down and digest, so blending both fruits and vegetables is the perfect way to pre-digest the fiber and give the digestive system a bit of a break without having to consume less fruits and veggies in the process. It’s a win-win.
5. Smoothies are quick and convenient! Preparing a smoothie takes less than three minutes from start to finish. The cleanup consists of rinsing out the blender and blade and putting it in the dishwasher.